Sunday, February 24, 2008

Twinkle's Riverbed Shawl

Here on the blocking board is the Riverbed Shawl from Twinkle's Weekend Knits, which I purchased with a fit of glee last weekend. I used 2 skeins of Lorna's Laces Revelation. I can't wait to wear it in my icy office!

Later this week, I'll be posting my first PATTERN!!!!! Stay tuned...

In other news, Spottie had her first weigh-in since starting her diet 2 months ago. Her starting weight was 57.6 lbs. Her current weight is.........

51 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As a special treat, we took plumpy to the doggy park for 45 minutes to celebrate her success. She's half way to her goal weight!


Jane said...

Love the shawl. How long is it?

Congrats to Spottie Dottie - SuperDog!

monica said...

that is very pretty. I love Lorna's

Congrats to Spottie!