Sunday, December 09, 2007

Mystery Shawl

My first Mystery Shawl A-long. I am using Ornaghi Filati in Cream (100% Merino) and should have plenty. It is a generous skein. Right now it just looks like a blob of lace but I keep stretching it to see the pattern coming out! It is so much fun. I got Clue 2 yesterday but I still have a few more rows to finish on Clue 1.

Thank you Cheryl for posting about the new Knitty. That is the cutest photo of a dog I have seen in a while. Well almost the cutest... Just showing off my Junior in his new bed... Now they all have one but Woolly Boully (cat) sleeps in all of them - anytime he wants too!

Well, I'm done! Finished shopping and wrapping. Now my baking will begin although I still have those Mexican wedding cookies that are fermenting in their secret location. Well, I thought it was a secret location. Looked at them the other day and half of a batch is gone! When I questioned my hub - he just said, "who me - looks like someone else has been in them". Next up - my mother. She fessed right up! They are both guilty.

Hope your holiday shopping, wrapping and baking is moving right along. I did a lot of my shopping on line this year (again). It's always fun to get packages at your door... We hope to have some new items up this week - just waiting on deliveries... Stay tuned.


Lily Purl said...

I know nothing about the cookies...

Anonymous said...

LOL, Jane you are so funny. I'd put my money on the >hubby lol. You might check your dresser drawers to. If he would stash Halloween candy for a year in his dresser drawer, you never know : ) It wasn't me, I'm to far away. : ) They must be really good cookies. A few might be nice in the Gecko bag, hint, hintttt. : ) love you all....