Friday, September 18, 2009

One Tawashi, Two Tawashi

I have always had a long love affair with all things cotton for the kitchen and bath. Handmade dishcloths, washcloths, scrubbers - you name it. And I am in a group on Ravelry namely Tawashi Town. What is a Tawashi? Japanese translation: Scrubbie. A lot of Tawashi(s) are made with acrylic for the scubbing effect. The fish above was made with cheap acrylic and the citrus circle was made with cotton. I really prefer the cotton but I guess it is a personal preference.

If you are on Ravelry, stop by that group and check out all the amazing Tawashi(s). If you are not a member of Ravelry, join. It's free.

Still anxiously awaiting a new shipment of Hiya Hiya Interchangeable Needle sets and also the ever popular needle gauges. I hope to have them in the next couple of weeks. If you want to get on the wait list for a set of needles, please email me AT janeATtheyarngroveDOTcom .
I finally replenished our firewood supply. While I have enough fallen trees way in the forest here, they are mostly pine. I found a terrific supplier on Craig's List and ended up getting this gorgeous red and white oak for a great price.

Pickles were on the agenda for last weekend and pickles I did. My old stand by that everyone loves in this house - bread and butter. I will be sending a small arsenal to Island Boy who dearly loves them. It seems, however, my brain got a little confused on the amount of vinegar. I use 1/2 white and 1/2 cider vinegar so when it said 2 cups (use 1/2 and 1/2 if desired) I gave it 2 cups of white and 2 cups of cider. Whew. Those were stout! I had already canned 6 pints before I realized my mistake. I drained 4 of those pints and re-canned with the correct mixture. My mom loved the extra vinegar so she can have 2 jars.

And I leave you with my favorite face ... I think he looks adorable in green spinach...

Have a wonderful weekend and I hope it involves lots of crafty play.

Friday, September 11, 2009

She's here!!

Yay! my BFF Rebecca ( remember her story?) delivered a (tiny, but) healthy girl yesterday. Katie Lane is 4 lbs, 13 oz, 18 in long, but she's eating like a champion, and she's quite spunky, pee peeing on her Daddy this morning! Here are some baby booties I made for her precious feet.
Pattern is Saartjes Booties knit with yarn dyed by moi.

I have a few more items in the works- a cardigan I'm attempting to design, a hat for the little man, a tutu for Katie Lane and lots of scarves. I manage to knit a few rows during each of Stephen's four 25 minute naps. Speaking of the little booger, I hear him now...

And I leave you with this-